"AI is easy, A/V is hard"
In FAQ form:
q: What is this?
a: Something like this:
- two days conf with one day setup, which is like the conf, but more
- one large room, one small one, big hallway, maybe some rooms for
- participants chose of they would want to do streaming/etc. of the
large room and we accommodate as many setups as possible;
- same for the small room;
- the talks are spaced by 1h each, so in the mean time people can do
testing of the different setups and discuss them;
- the talks get chosen from some committee, and are either 1) what a
conference is doing, 2) this new great thing that will make our lives
easier, 3) something everyone does wrong and how to fix it.
- there is a single track. The small room is for tests only.
- probably up to 100 people. Hopefully more.
q: Where, when?
a: Still being discussed.
q: How do I join the discussion?
a: Subscribe to the vc@ludost.net mailing list, check
the archives, and ask your questions.
q: Why do this?
a: Because a/v is hard, and exchanging experience can make it a lot
easier and produce better results for everyone who's dealing with online
streaming, video recordings and all similar crap.